Shocking Revelations: When We Research Deeper, The Truth Will Shake You To Your Core!

Shocking Revelations:  When We Research Deeper, The Truth Will Shake You To Your Core!

By Matthias Chang – Future fast-Forward


Whatever is disclosed in this PDF article is from my research and you can verify the facts easily. The purpose of writing this article and sharing with you is to provoke your instinct to question more. Regardless of your Faith / Religion, we have to accept that we are flawed and to overcome the flaws, we have to be critical in our analysis and NOT rush to conclusions.

There are no conclusions in this article, deliberately so, and after you have read my article, it is my fervent hope that you will employ the discipline and courage to be honest to yourself, and diligently continue your path in search for the Truth. Draw your own conclusions.

Learning From Paintings

My resource for this Part is extracted from the National Art Gallery, USA so that no one can accuse me that I am indulging in propaganda. Let’s begin.

The Great Red Dragon and the Woman Clothed with the Sun

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