Truth Always Prevails – Scott Ritter and Ray McGovern Exposed The Lies, Myths and Propaganda
Uploaded by Matthias Chang
Verify and you will get the truth and pierce the bodyguard of lies that surround Truths. Notwithstanding they are Americans – Ray, ex CIA and Presidential Intelligence Daily De-briefer and Scott, a former UN Weapons Inspector and a former Marine / Intelligence Officer, they took risks to tell the Truth!
But, Malaysians cannot be bothered, still busy shopping and talking BS!
Telling truth is more important to them than hanging on to the fact that they were former Intelligence officers and keeping quiet to maintain their prestige and status. But, keeping silent is also lying – by omission! They refuse to be quiet.
I had invited Ray McGovern, Scott Ritter and Larry Johnson to come to Malaysia to share their vast intelligence expertise but, my efforts were blocked and by other circumstances beyond my control. Will try in the future, again!
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