Whisper’s Exhortation – A Traumatic Awakening

Whisper’s Exhortation – A Traumatic Awakening

Shared by Matthias Chang

This is Whisper’s Fifth (5th) meditative insight that I received early morning today and it was augmented by my deeper thinking during my perambulation at home and in my office.

Yesterday I was tired, drained of all my energy following Whisper’s directive … to research and dig deep and discover what was revealed by HER messages and now corroborated by my eager research and mind mapping.

I felt so betrayed, misdirected to take a long detour, misled for years by the “teachers”, “gurus” “Champions” etc. of the other Faiths ….. Then I realised that there is nothing to be angry about. It was part of my journey to know and to have faith in Whisper’s messages which SHE received from HIM!

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