Imperialist Barbarians and Vipers At The Gates Spewing Venom. The Abuse Of Islam and Women As Weapons To Divide & Conquer By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward Declaration of War This…
Daniel Korski: The Intelligence-Linked Mastermind Behind the UK’s Orwellian Healthtech Advisory Board By Johnny Vedmore As a futuristic, hi-tech dystopia increasingly takes shape around us, the concept of the Panopticon…
How To Defeat The Western Propaganda War On Islam. Global and Domestic Islamic Institutions Have Failed Miserably To Defend Islamic Civilisation By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward Preamble In my…
In the Spirit of the Great Saladin, Islam Will Usher An Era of Global Peace for 500 Years, After The Majority Of Muslims Have Cleansed and Purged Their Hearts of…
Larry Wilkerson REVEALS: Netanyahu’s PAINFUL Stumble & Israel’s Path To Self DESTRUCTION Uploaded by Matthias Chang Confirms and corroborated what I has sent out this morning as Warnings and Two…
Islam Has Been Betrayed! Global Muslims Must Confront The Ugly Truth. Stop Believing The Freaking MSM BS! By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward No-Holds-Barred Headlines Muslims are their own worst…
Khazares “Greatness and Controversy: The Untold Story of Jewish Europe” “The Iron Curtain over America” by John Beaty An introduction by Gordon Duff A forgotten McCarthy Era Book has opened…
Most People Got No Idea What’s Coming By Erik Wallbank Most Americans, like children at the seashore where the tide has gone out, unfathomably far, stand there, mesmerized, without concern…
Cyberwarfare Is real Uploaded by Matthias Chang My colleague and close friend Yoichi Shitmasu has a column in He has helped me in exposing the false flag of MH370…
Whisper’s 41st Meditative Insight To The World. Shared by Matthias Chang I had received the below miraculous insight a long time ago, not to be shared. Whisper told me, don’t even…