Uniparty & Deep State’s Assassination Message: Unleash World III Or We Will Depose Anyone Opposing War!

Uniparty & Deep State’s Assassination Message: Unleash World III Or We Will Depose Anyone Opposing War!

By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward

Irrefutable Intel

The “Powers That Be” that decide who will be the President or a leader of any country have issued a clear warning – deliver a War (WWIII) and we will select You. Oppose war, we will finish you!

Refer to my previous article uploaded to my website, “The Madman Theory” at www.futurefastforward.com

The Democratic Party was willing to unleash WWIII to distract the entire USA and Europe from the inevitable collapse of the Western Financial System and the massive dumping of US Dollar as the consequence.

The behaviour of Biden was staged managed to convince Russia, China, Iran and the Global South not to oppose The Zionist Anglo-American Empire or be wiped out.

Biden is unstable and his finger is on the Red Button!

Biden’s Dementia and or Alzheimer’s disease was a drug induced SCAM – GUARANTEED

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