Building Bridges To Reconnect The Dots – When we build sturdy bridges, we will build a strong nation.

Building Bridges To Reconnect The Dots – When we build sturdy bridges, we will build a strong nation.

By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward

We did build bridges in the past to connect the dots. But, we connected the wrong dots!

We provided and supplied the labour with enthusiasm but all the building materials for the bridges were stamped “Made in Britain”.

Are we a Nation or are we just a Clone of our Colonial Past?

So, what bridges are we going to build in Malaysia in the 21st Century?

A Telescopic History

In 1957, the Federation of Malaya was established and “independence” was “granted” by the British Colonial Power.

In 1963, the British Colonial Power for geopolitical objectives, orchestrated Singapore, Sarawak, and Sabah (called North Borneo) to join the Federation of Malaya and renamed the enlarged entity, “Malaysia”. Singapore subsequently withdrew from the Federation on August 9, 1965, and became an “independent Republic.”

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