Know Geography & Geopolitics – YOU Can Then Expose The Climate Change Scam etc. Guaranteed!

Know Geography & Geopolitics – YOU Can Then Expose The Climate Change Scam etc. Guaranteed!

By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward

Yesterday (19th June 2024), in my article “How YOU See The World, Is How YOU Have Been Brainwashed” I shared with you a secret – that by asking ONE simple question, I will  know how a person has been brainwashed!

Today, I will use geography to illustrate further the global scam of “Climate Change” so that the Brainwashers cannot keep your “head between your legs” and be blind-sided!

And don’t you dare be a hypocrite and complain about my language and metaphors!

Accept the fact that you have your head between your legs, just as you have now accepted my metaphor “Intellectual Masturbation” (which I had used for  decades), and which you can now find the metaphor even in Google Search,  after I had demanded that you search the meaning of the metaphor.

Don’t be a hypocrite!    Don’t!     We will now move on.

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