Serbia Vucic: “We Will Have World War In 3-4 months – We’re Checking Our Oil, Flour, Sugar”

Serbia Vucic: “We Will Have World War In 3-4 months – We’re Checking Our Oil, Flour, Sugar”

Uploaded by Matthias Chang

The President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic, gave a long interview to the Swiss weekly magazine “Weltwoche” during which he revealed that Serbia controls the reserves of oil, flour, sugar as in 3-4 months we will have a world war.

Among other things, he stated in his interview:

“The rhetoric is getting worse by the day and reminds me of the phrase of a famous historian:

The train has left the station and no one can stop it.” If the Great Powers don’t do something soon, yeah, I’m pretty sure we’re going to be in for a real disaster.  If you bet that someone is bluffing, it means that you don’t have better hands. You just think that the other person has weaker cards. You are not sure about it because you do not know and have not seen its leaves. I am always very cautious and cautious when assessing Putin’s wishes or potential future move.

What further complicates the situation is that everyone is only talking about war. No one seeks peace. Nobody is talking about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word!

Watch the video, before it is censored and taken down. Wait 30 seconds for video to upload:

