Must Read – Two PDF Articles By Alastair Crooke and Mike Whitney

Must Read – Two PDF Articles By Alastair Crooke and Mike Whitney

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The Coming Novus Ordo Seclorum – Change We Must; There Is No Choice!

By Alastair Crooke  –  June, 2024

To attempt to use secular rationality as the predominant analytic tool by which to comprehend geo-political events may be to commit an error.

On a visit to Oxford a few weeks ago, Josep Borrell, the EU’s High Representative, (Walter Münchau writes), made an interesting remark: Diplomacy is the art of managing double standards”.

Münchau illustrated its inherent hypocrisy by contrasting the enthusiasm with which EU leaders supported the ICC’s decision to seek an arrest warrant against Putin last year, and “yet not to accept it – when it hits a member of your team” (i.e. Netanyahu).

The most egregious example of such double ‘thinking’ concerns its correlate – the western ‘management’ of created realities. A double standard – a ‘narrative’ of us ‘winning’ – is crafted, and then set against a narrative of ‘them failing’.

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Every Escalation Brings Washington Closer to Defeat in Ukraine

By Mike Whitney • June, 2024

There is a vast difference between “not winning” and “losing” a war. In the case of Ukraine, “not winning” means that President Zelensky and his handlers in Washington choose to pursue a negotiated settlement that would allow Russia to keep the territory it captured during the war while addressing Moscow’s modest security demands. (Note—Ukraine must reject any intention of joining NATO)

On the other hand, “losing” the war means that the US and NATO continue on the same path they are today—pumping lethal weapons, trainers and long-range missiles systems into Ukraine—hoping that the Russian offensive is progressively weakened so Ukraine can prevail on the battlefield. This alternate path—which amounts to ‘wishful thinking’—is the path to “losing” the war.

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