Putin’s Reverse Cuba Gambit: Moving The Chess Pieces On The Geopolitical Chessboard – Checkmate US, UK and NATO
Putin’s Reverse Cuba Gambit: Moving The Chess Pieces On The Geopolitical Chessboard – Checkmate US, UK and NATO
By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward
One move on the Chessboard, the Entire US Military Command and the Western Hemisphere will be caught stark naked, will surrender and then beg Russia for forgiveness.
President Putin and his team understand chess and strategy better than anyone in the West.
From the epicenter in St. Petersburg, the shockwaves from this article will reverberate to the far corners of the globe, all thanks to President Putin’s Reverse Cuba Gambit, the master move in the geopolitical chessboard!
I can now with certainty reveal the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth!
There is more than one way to checkmate the “King”. My favourite and I believe that President Putin’s Reverse Cuba Gambit (Coup de Grâce) has caught ALL Western minds (even those supporting Russia’s stand) completely off-guard because the f#@ked up Zionist West only knows how to “use” the “Queen” the only way they are accustomed to do – to bully i.e. the use of provocation and the threat of a nuclear war.
The nuclear bombs unleashed on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was never ever to save American troops in an alleged invasion of Japan in WWII. Japan was already defeated in the Pacific war theatre. Period!
There was only one reason and one reason only – the nuclear threat to USSR. The threat did not work at all. Nuclear weapon was and is a “Paper Tiger!”
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