Matthias Chang – Crony Of Tun Mahathir, A Fake, A Bastard, A Scumbag And A Fraud But … No One Dares Accept His Challenges!

Matthias Chang – Crony of Tun Mahathir, A Fake, A Bastard, A Scumbag And A Fraud But … No One Dares Accept His Challenges!

By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward

I have been stigmatised and demonised by various obnoxious names but, I can’t be bothered at all!

Over the years and in my videos on Youtube and Bitchute, I have offered USD$100,000.00, US$300,000.00, US$500,000.00 and even US$1 Million to anyone to prove me wrong on the specific issue that I had revealed in my videos but there were no takers.


I have always referred and cited sources from the following:

  • Global “Right” and “Left” wings;

  • Global Conservatives and Liberals;

  • Global Government and Non-government publications;

  • Global Think Tanks;

  • Global Intelligence Apparatus – CIA, MI6, DNI etc.;

  • Global Central Banks, Commercial Banks and Financial Institutions etc.;

  • Global Renowned Analysts and Experts; and

  • Global Network of Friends, whom I had invited to Malaysia to advice.

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