The Clash Of Civilizations For Dummies: Judea’s War Between Christianity And Islam

The Clash Of Civilizations For Dummies: Judea’s War Between Christianity And Islam

By The Ugly Truth

INTRODUCTION – In this day and age where the Jews DO control the media and thus maintain 110% control of the discourse, most people have heard the phrase of “clash of civilizations”, a paradigm whereby the world of Islam has always been on the offensive against the Christian world, and many have endorsed it as the only key to understanding history.  It is widely accepted that this concept was born in the mind of the Israeli ‘historian’ Bernard Lewis and then popularized by Samuel Huntington. Given that all discourse these days where ‘Islamic’ issues are discussed, only do so accompanied by extended and completely erroneous statements about Islam, we are forced by those same rules therefore to highlight the jewishness of Bernard Lewis from the start because as a Jew, he sees everything with/through his own Torah lenses which teach one thing and one thing only: how to “utterly destroy everything that breathes” as a fulfillment of the messianic dream described many times within Jewish ‘sacred’ texts. But contrary to the widely accepted view, this concept did not originate with Bernard Lewis and Samuel Hutington. 

The idea featuring a Christian West fighting the Islamic East is all over rabbinical eschatological texts. It is not called ‘clash of civilizations’ per se but is described as the inevitable and apocalyptic fight that will take place in the end times between Edom (Christendom) and Ishmael (Islamic world) whereby each will annihilate the other, leaving Jacob-Israel as the sole survivor. As such, Lewis and Huntington have merely ‘secularized’ a very old Jewish and Torah-based view of the world and gave the Western Gentiles tailor-made Judaic lenses through which to understand our history and actively and willingly take part in what Judaism hopes will be the annihilation of both religions and cultures. There are many main angles to approach this topic but in this part, we shall argue that in order to understand the Jewish engineered clash of civilizations, one needs to understand Judaism, what it really is, how it works and how it relates to Christianity and Islam from a geopolitical point of view.  


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