Confession From The Profession: ‘Presstitutes’ In The Service Of The CIA
Confession From The Profession: ‘Presstitutes’ In The Service Of The CIA
By Tim Pelzer
It is well documented that the CIA uses the media to spread disinformation. After 1945, the agency, in what is known as “Operation Mockingbird,” recruited journalists in major U.S. media to promote its Cold War anti-Communist perspective. According to former CIA agent turned whistleblower Philip Agee, the agency had journalists on its payroll across Latin America. In Presstitutes: Embedded in the Pay of the CIA, Udo Ulfkotte, a former editor for the mass daily newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ), reveals how the CIA and the German Federal Intelligence Agency (BND) use the German media to spread propaganda to shape public opinion.
The BND recruited Ulfkotte while he was in University and then placed him at FAZ. As a naïve young man, he was thrilled to work for his country’s intelligence agency. “However, looking back, I was corrupt, I was manipulative and dealt in disinformation.”
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