Shocking: Nurse Gail Macrae Reveals Stunning Facts About The COVID Vax and Protocols

Shocking: Nurse Gail Macrae Reveals Stunning Facts About The COVID Vax and Protocols

Uploaded by Matthias Chang

Some stunning comments by people who saw this video:

“My sister was murdered at St Francis medical Center in Colorado Springs by the exact same protocols she is describing. They would not let us in to see her. She lived 4 days in there. I cry every time I think of what she went through in there. They told her when she first went into ICU that she was going to die. Not ‘we are going to do everything we can to help you’, but “you are gonna die”. That was not healthcare. It was execution for someone’s profit.”

“I never thought I would see a completely corrupt medical system in my lifetime, but here we are. Sadly the only way to fight back against this is to be as healthy as possible and to stay away from the medical complex.”

“This interview ties together and explains so many other countless, fact-based presentations, I feel it deeply. I left my job in part because I refused to be injected; less than a year later my sister died suddenly after no less than four injections of the Pfizer poison. I have never known such anger as this.”

Must Watch the video by clicking the link below: