Be A Decent Believer And A Human Being – Red The Three PDF Articles

Be A Decent Believer And A Human Being – Red The Three PDF Articles

Uploaded by Matthias Chang

The three PDF articles will open your Bleeding Heart to the bloody and painful truth that the Zionist-Talmudists, backed by the Paper Tigers of the USA, UK and Israel military are committing war crimes and genocide against the heroic Palestinians, especially in GAZA.

Be assured that the Palestinians will win this War of Faith against Evil, and Israel, as we know it since 1948, will not exists and will in a matter of time wither away and many Israelis from USA, UK, Russia, and Europe that emigrated to Israel, will flee in droves to their former abodes, using “their other passport” and not that of Israel. The fraud of “dual Citizenship” fully exposed.


Because Israel as created, as an IDEA of racial domination and the falsehood of a “Chosen People” to lord over the entire world” HAS BEEN SMASHED TO SMITHEREENS. Panic reigns and they are confused and becoming wondering fools, for God has spoken!


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