What You Need To Know About Palestine – Until Total Victory

What You Need To Know About Palestine – Until Total Victory

Uploaded by Matthias Chang

Please read the attached PDFs if you are sincere in wanting to know the Truth about Palestine.

These articles are from internationally renowned journalists with impeccable integrity and not some arseholes indulging in Coffee-shop BS and fake news.  I suggest that you Google their names. 

What is interesting is that at the end of the articles they came to the same conclusions as I had in my recent messages to all of you when so many were mouthing BS and brainwashed by propaganda and fake news.

More importantly, the White House had issued a statement that President Biden had no basis whatsoever in stating that Israeli children and babies were slaughtered by Hamas! This was pure propaganda which the bastard war criminal Biden was repeating the same lies that preceded the barbaric invasion of Iraq – that Iraqi babies were murdered in the hospitals by Saddam Hussein. The lies were told by the daughter of the Kuwaiti Foreign Minister, who lied and lied to the US MSM.

So unless you know the truth, shut the f…. up!

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Second PDF:

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Third PDF:

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Fourth PDF:

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