“Billionaires Try To Shrink World’s Population”: Secret Gathering Sponsored By Bill Gates, 2009 Meeting Of “The Good Club”

“Billionaires Try To Shrink World’s Population”: Secret Gathering Sponsored By Bill Gates, 2009 Meeting Of “The Good Club”

By Prof Michel Chossudovsky –   Global Research, July 18, 2023

[Matthias Chang’s comments: Michel and I have been friends and collaborators for years (almost two decades) and he was instrumental in helping me to organise the global conference for peace in 2005, culminating in the issuance of the Kuala Lumpur Declaration To Criminalise War, for which we were the founding signatories with other global peace activists / luminaries. The Conference was chaired by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. Michel was also instrumental in assisting me in the setting up of the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal and he was the Chairman of the War Crimes Commission resulting in the indictment and conviction of Bush, Blair, Sharon etc. as war criminals. I am therefore very proud to upload his latest article exposing the global elites’ criminal agenda to de-populate the world. I am blessed to know and worked with him. Read and share widely.]

Michel’s article begins below:

For more than ten years, meetings have been held by billionaires described as philanthropists to Reduce the Size of the World’s Population culminating with the 2020-2022 Covid crisis.

Recent developments suggest that “Depopulation” is an integral part of the so-called Covid mandates including the lockdown policies and the mRNA “vaccine”. 

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