The Making Of The Technological Zombie – Interview With Yuval Noah Harari By 60 Minutes

The Making Of The Technological Zombie – Interview With Yuval Noah Harari By 60 Minutes

Uploaded by Matthias  Chang

Yuval Noah Harari, the bestselling Israeli author and historian offers his predictions on how technology will alter the evolution of humans and change society – the making of the “modern” and  “technologically advanced zombies”.

The present Covid19 crisis is but the fundamental phase and the “lockstep” approach / design towards the achievement of one of the objectives of the global endgame, planned meticulously for decades, by the Global Deep State/ elites. 

Not many will bother to watch the entire video interview. Too long is the excuse.  That is why, the Deep State is so confident of achieving their objectives. To them, the 99% of the population are so docile that they would accept even the most brutal enslavement.  Need we sat more at Future Fast-Forward. even after repeated warnings year after year?

Click on the link below to watch the video: