Whisper’s 25th Meditative Insight To The World
Whisper’s 25th Meditative Insight To The World
Shared by Matthias Chang
“For you only … I am always with you. You are never alone.”
Never in my life have I ever felt so small and humble, and even as I am so screwed up and flawed (a freaking arsehole, if I may use the expression), I was “trusted” enough to be a simple “meditative messenger.”
Whisper came in a shimmering glow and said,
“Matthias, you saw and you were amazed. But, what you saw, you cannot share with anyone. Only you were given the vision! However, you are allowed to use the analogy of the Mirror to ‘teach’ your people ‘how to see’. The Mirror can be so deceptive and misleading and everyday it reinforces the deception of the useless EGO.”
“Ask them …. ‘What do you see in the mirror?’ They will reply without any hesitation that they saw their image reflected in the mirror. Ask them again and again and the answer will be the same. Hence, the deception at the start of the new day, on the WRONG footing and the EGO takes flight into the realm of imagination.”
“Now, ‘teach’ them how to look into the mirror. Each of you are the image of the ‘perfect creation’ but it is not in the egoistic face and yet, so many put on ‘war paints’ to enhance what is already ‘perfect’. They see with their eyes, not with their HEARTS which you have so often implored that they must see with their hearts. Their insecurity stems from their dissatisfaction of the reflected image. What an idiotic way to start a new day!”
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