Common Sense To Counter Economic Downturn & Contraction In Banking Assets

Common Sense To Counter Economic Downturn & Contraction In Banking Assets

By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward

In the present unprecedented crisis, the contraction across the entire Private Sector will be enormous. For the purposes of this article, I will focus on two areas – (1) A fall in private sector consumption and (2) A fall in the growth of Banking Assets, in a DELEVERAGING ENVIRONMENT.

Can anyone dispute that the private sector is in a state of shock and paralysis?

This mental gridlock is further compounded by the general ignorance of Malaysians with regard to the depth and threat of the global economic contraction that will hit our country hard in the last quarter of 2020.  Malaysia’s economy is acutely dependant for its survival on China, Japan, Korea, India in Asia and US and EU in the West. It is inconceivable that Malaysia can have a speedy recovery and strong growth when the aforesaid economies are bleeding. I have stated often enough that our recovery would be a W shape recovery, if radical policies are adopted.

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