Will Trump Usher-In A Golden Age?

Will Trump Usher-In A Golden Age?

By Erik Wallank

Trump will do good things for Americans—he already has. Nothing warms my heart more than seeing lying miscreants such as Clapper, Brennan, Bolton lose their security clearances. In an act of treason (from my view), deceivers, some responsible for peddling RussiaGate, some who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop, some who did both, were elevated as administration pundits across the networks—to spread morbid lies.

A more apt coincidence than Trump being saved by God to Make America Great Again, is the Trump Inauguration falling on the same day as Martin Luther King Jr. day. Comparing the 2 men (as the Trump administration proceeds), will define our future. Contrasting King’s dream for equality under the law, with the divisiveness caused by Joe Biden and his support for BLM, depicts a scenario Dr. King would find appalling. The BLM mission was to cast the US as a racist nation (US is less racist than in King’s time), and in doing so create divisiveness among Americans. King would detest that.

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