Christians Cannot Be Jesus’ Followers / Devotees When They Support The Genocide In Palestine Unleashed By The Netanyahu Criminal Regime.
Christians Cannot Be Jesus’ Followers / Devotees When They Support The Genocide In Palestine Unleashed By The Netanyahu Criminal Regime.
By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward
Yesterday evening, I send out a message via my Whatsapp platform to warn my readers, the danger of the “Invented Reality” propagated by screwed up and brainwashed politicians, especially in Malaysia because they accept the idiotic propaganda and lies of Israel that GENOCIDE is valid and legal by the so-called “teachings” in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible. And Hamas is supported by Israel and Netanyahu!
I am saying, without any fear of contradiction, that 99.9% of “believers of all Faiths” have not even bothered to read ALL the Holy Scriptures so as to refute with 100% certainty that Netanyahu has lied and continue to lie that the OLD TESTAMENT asserts the heroic Palestinians can be massacred and wiped out, so that Israel can be established (without any borders) from the “River to the Sea”!
No clergy of any Faith has shown and or taught the public by sermons, statements or writings, the lies of the Israeli regime, but I readily accept that there were some token protests against the genocide committed against the Palestinians in Malaysia.
However, the Christian politicians and members of the Malaysian Parliament were more focused on their personal agendas. Sad!
If the hat fits them, put it on and debate with me in public!
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