President Trump Crossed the Rubicon. Traitors Have Now Been Exposed By The Pre-Emptive Pardons Of Criminal Biden & The US Deep State.

President Trump Crossed the Rubicon. Traitors Have Now Been Exposed By The Pre-Emptive Pardons Of Criminal Biden & The US Deep State.

By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward

Biden and Deep State has declared war against President Trump, even now. They will not give up on the destruction of Trump.  It’s time for a No-Holds-Barred offensive against the criminals. No illusions! Period!

President must not be trapped into getting involved in foreign wars. The war against traitors must go on for two years until the 2026 Mid-Term Elections in November, to secure the country and destroy entirely the Democratic Party. No mercy!

The issue is NOT UNITY. There can be no UNITY until and unless the Traitors are DESTROYED!

I understand the difficulties and challenges of President Trump. He has to start somewhere.  But until and unless there is a total understanding and appreciation of the EVIL of the Federal Reserve Banking System etc, the US Deep State will remain in control and under the direction of the City of London. 

Historical Lessons

WWI, WWII, Cold War (WWIII) were all instigated by the British Imperial Deep State and the USA did the heavy lifting for the Brits, so that the British Empire could continue the plunder of the colonies.

France did the same and invited the US to do the heavy lifting in Vietnam, which sap the strength and vitality of the USA, in conjunction with the “US Deep State”, the “Left Behinds” of the British Empire and their agenda to destroy the USA from within.

Nixon was misled by Kissinger (a deep and devious British geopolitical spy) and acted contrary to the vision of the 1776 Declaration of Independence. The manipulated political leaders of the US were led to believe that sacrifices have to be made for the US to succeed in inheriting the British Empire and establish the ultimate US Empire.

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