The Manipulation, Misrepresentation & Weaponisation Of Geography For Geopolitical Agendas By The Western Powers.

The Manipulation, Misrepresentation & Weaponisation Of Geography For Geopolitical Agendas By The Western Powers.

By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward


Using only the evidence from the Global Deep State, I will prove to you, how you have been brainwashed from the time you were in studying in school till now, and still absolutely unaware that you have been brainwashed.

By all means prove me wrong if you can, but you will fail. Once you have studied the evidence and the history of world events unfolding you will be able to join the dots. I can assure you that you will be cursing and swearing that you have been so easily conned and brainwashed for decades. Who are you going to blame?

A Short Story

A young boy told his father that his teacher and headmaster have threatened to dismiss him from school for questioning the teachers that were teaching him History and Geography. He had to accept what he was taught as the gospel truth or be terminated from attending classes.

The father listened carefully to the young boy’s explanations and replied: “Such teachers are stupid and ignorant. You need to sit for exams, have good grades, go on to the University, accept more falsehoods, to succeed in life. This is the conventional wisdom. But, you need to keep the truth to yourself for now, just to survive. You are absolutely right in your explanations, but, you have to ignore the idiotic teachers as the world is not ready to accept the Truth.”

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