Geopolitical Quandaries, Pyrrhic Victories and The End Of All Empires.
The Betrayals and hypocrisy of all the Big powers!
By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward
If and when you have studied history and geography, what I am exposing is just common sense, a no brainer and when you conscientiously refuse to indulge in intellectual masturbation … (Google the meaning of the underlined words, if you are sincere)
The Geopolitical Players
The Western hegemonic powers led by the Zionist Anglo-American war party;
Zionist Israel;
Iran; and
The Wild Card – the Most Heroic of all liberation fighters in history – the Palestinians supported by Hezbullah!
The Consequential War Theatres
Continental USA;
Russia / Ukraine;
China / Taiwan;
Middle-East / Israel / Iran; and