Whisper’s 33rd Meditative Insight To The World

Whisper’s 33rd Meditative Insight To The World

Shared by Matthias Chang

Though this Meditative Insight from Whisper is numbered 33, I had received it some time ago and was only permitted to share with you this morning so that you will better appreciate the blessings of the GIFTs that you have received from HIM but, totally unaware of their value and purposes.

All blessings of the Gifts from HIM serve a specific purpose in the present and in the future. Therefore, review and count them and give thanks.

Whisper reminded me,

“Everyone, without exceptions are bestowed with the blessings of the GIFTS from HIM for specific purposes – to fulfil the objectives along the Path chosen, and to enable him or her to complete the journey at the time of HIS choosing. Then, they will be prepared to cross over.”

“It will be given when the time is appropriate and timely but, only the awakened will after a meditative review, appreciate the significance.”

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