Matthias Don’t Give A F#@% That His Website Is Hacked!
Matthias Don’t Give A F#@% That His Website Is Hacked!
Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward
A freaking arsehole sent me a long email yesterday that my website can be hacked and he can even monitor what I am doing and in the email message, he gave a subtle threat – that he can upload porn etc. to my website, cause havoc – so that I will employ his services to clean up and protect the website.
As if I give a f$#@ about the hacking etc. I don’t and I am writing to you to explain the reality, so you guys don’t get excited.
Firstly, he is an arsehole! It was useless or irrelevant to the arsehole that he could have learn a lot from my website but, he was only interested in getting me to be a customer for his services.
My website has already been monitored (when I am not even someone important or a threat) and I don’t give a shit! Period!
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