What You Don’t Know About Crypto Currency, But Think You Know!
Why No Malaysian Has Mentioned This Truth Before?
By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward
I am going to blow your mind and demand that you start thinking. No more time wasting.
Malaysian Intel Apparatus Did Not Know
The NSA was investigating crypto-currencies in 1996.
I have read the entire Report: “How to Make a Mint: The Cryptography of Electronic Cash,” which was published by the National Security Agency back in 1996.
I stand to be corrected, if the Intel Apparatus knew, why did they remain silent? The then Prime Minister was not informed at all. The only conclusion to be drawn is that Malaysia was not aware. Neither Bank Negara!
Knowledge is NEVER a threat to National Security. Ignorance and the “Tongkat Mentality” are grievous threats!
For you to be the judge whether I have the Report and read it, I will quote in extenso:
National Security Agency Office of Information Security Research and Technology
Cryptology Division
18 June 1996