LOST FOR WORD By Tom Feeley – Music by Mei-Lan with Ali Pervez Mehadi
Uploaded by Matthias Chang
In this time we are feeling empty as our brothers, sisters and their children are crying out in agony from the ruins of bombed out homes. Injustice, suffering and pain are where hate takes us.
We may see ourselves as divided and cheer for one side and condemn the other, but deep in our souls we weep for all who are consumed by war. Nations and politics keeps us from moving forward from tribalism to the acceptance that each of us is just a reflection of the other.
We are lost in a matrix constructed by fear, that denies the existence of a power greater than our selves, which is within each of us.
I am unable to express myself to describe the sense of powerlessness that I feel. I provide the following quotes, which express something that maybe my spirit shares with yours.