Joe Biden Brags About Putting Together An Extensive Voter Fraud Organization

Joe Biden Brags About Putting Together An Extensive Voter Fraud Organization

Posted by Matthias Chang

To the doubting Thomases that received my earlier messages of voting fraud in USA and that Biden is a fraud and a cheat, then watch this video. Till today, this criminal and cheat has not denied this video. Scumbag! And he wants to be the President of USA.

I have taken the trouble to research and check out this criminal politician. But you guys don’t care and just swallow all the freaking screwed up news as Gospel truth! He and Obama were the ones that organised the massive killings in Syria, Libya, Yemen, Lebanon etc – Muslims killing Muslims (burning alive Muslims in cages) and murdering Christians as well!

That is why you guys are so easily manipulated by our coup plotters talking cock and bull and you just accept the same. Freeaking morons!

This is so sickening!!!!!!