Clinton Foundation And ISIS Were Funded From The Same Source
By John Pilger and Julian Assange
We at Future Fast-Forward have been saying that ISIS is a Western (specifically USA ) construct and funded by Arab money. Likewise, the Clinton Foundation is a criminal enterprise. This interview, which many of you may have missed, laid bare the truth – the devious agendas of the filthy absolute monarchs (which other aspiring numbskulls are trying to emulate elsewhere in the world) in aligning with the Western powers for their survival and destroy genuine resistance to the global war parties. The most frustrating issue before us is that Muslims are willing to follow blindly the abovementioned agendas and kill fellow Muslims. The radicalisation of Islam, which many Muslims are adopting, is a propaganda weapon to destroy Islam itself. Way back in 2005, we were one of the few to expose the fact that the West has ran out of “isms” to justify the continuation of the global wars – ie Nazism in WW II, Communism in the post WWII encvironment and with the collapse of the Soviet Union, a new “ism” was needed as the new ideological enemy, to replace Nazism / fascism and Communism. The Neocons coined the term “Islamofascism”. This ideological “enemy” took off and was accepted beyond the wildest dreams of the War Party starting with the global war agenda under the umbrella of the “Global War On Terror” (GWOT). The rest is history as they say.
Watch the video and be thoroughly shocked and be disgusted to your core.