Trump Opens The New Year In Profound Dialogue With The American People And Collaborating Heads Of State
By Stanley Ezrol – Economic Intelligence Review
Jan. 5—President Trump has taken the most dramatic initiatives of his Presidency during the closing weeks of 2018 and the opening of the New Year. Helga Zepp-LaRouche used her 2019 New Year’s address to remind the world that she had designated 2018 as the year to destroy geopolitics, the British Imperial policy of unending conflict for the purpose of maintaining their power. With the removal of inept geopoliticians ex-Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis, ex-UN Ambassador Nikki Haley, and ex-Chief of Staff John Kelly from his cabinet, as well as the soft-on-Mueller-gate Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Trump has begun a new level of honest and direct communication of his views on the necessary future course of the nation freed from the commitment to permanent warfare.
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