War Danger Intensifies—We Must ‘Go Like Hell’ To Expose and Destroy Russia-Gate
By Economic Intelligence Review (EIR)
The war party in the U.S. is escalating to a fever pitch for war, not only with Russia but now also with China. While the media and the Congress continue making up new excuses to attack Trump, to subvert his effort to build constructive relations with Putin and Xi Jinping, the British and their assets in the U.S. have dropped any pretense of sanity, demanding preparation for a nuclear world war.
Secretary Tillerson today drew out the battle lines in a press briefing at the State Department. Asked about the new sanctions on Russia passed overwhelmingly by the Congress, Tillerson was direct: “I think the American people want the two most powerful nuclear powers in the world to have a better relationship…. Neither the President nor I is very happy about how Congress went about the sanctions bill, but we can’t let it take us off-track in trying to restore the relationship.”
Some people in the Administration did not get the message—or are out to wreck it. Vice President Mike Pence, speaking at a press conference July 31 in Estonia with the three Presidents of the Baltic states, spoke with the coldest of Cold War rhetoric: “A strong and united NATO is more necessary today than at any point since the collapse of communism a quarter-century ago, and no threat looms larger in the Baltic states than the spectre of aggression from your unpredictable neighbour to the east.” Today in Georgia, Pence claimed that Russia was occupying one-fifth of Georgian territory (referring to Abkhazia and South Ossetia), then said: “We stand here today in the gap—on a front line of freedom, a front line compromised by Russian aggression nearly a decade ago.”
The same end-game confrontation is being launched by the Congress against China, going for the kill on Trump’s effort to bring the U.S. and China together in the New Silk Road process. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), speaking on NBC this morning, said that “There is a military option to destroy North Korea’s [nuclear] program, and North Korea itself. If there is going to be a war to stop [Kim Jong-un], it will be over there. If thousands are going to die, they are going to die there, they’re not going to die here.” He claimed President Trump agreed, referencing Trump saying that China could stop North Korea’s nuclear program but wasn’t doing enough.
Not to be outdone in the British imperial “divide and conquer” madness, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) sent a letter to the President calling for the suspension of “all mergers and acquisitions in the U.S by Chinese entities.” Keep in mind that Trump wisely invited China to bring its Belt and Road infrastructure development program to the U.S., to help restore the devastated infrastructure and industrial capacity of the nation. Schumer ranted: “It is my assessment that China will not deter North Korea unless the United States exacts greater economic pressure on China. The U.S. must send a clear message to China’s government.”
The message is clear indeed—the Congressional leaders from both parties will not allow the rebuilding of the U.S. economy, and would rather launch World War III than to see Trump’s plan succeed.
Here, too, Tillerson today was a voice of reason against the war party: “We certainly don’t blame the Chinese for the situation in North Korea,” he said. “Only the North Koreans are to blame for this situation. We are trying to convey to the North Koreans: We are not your enemy, we are not your threat. But you are presenting an unacceptable threat to us, and we have to respond. And we hope that at some point they will begin to understand that, and then we would like to sit down and have a dialogue with them about the future that will give them the security they seek and the future economic prosperity for North Korea.”
It must be emphasized that the entire Russophobia rests on the now discredited “Russia stole the election” myth, which was constructed out of whole cloth by British intelligence and their collaborators in the corrupted Obama intelligence community. The LaRouche movement is now in full mobilization mode, within the U.S. and around the world, to circulate the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) July report to the President, proving definitively that the Russians did no such thing, but that angry Democrats leaked the infamous DNC emails to WikiLeaks in order to expose the Democratic Party leadership’s internal decision to prevent Bernie Sanders from getting the party nomination over war party asset Hillary Clinton. The British stole the Democratic primary election from Bernie Sanders, and then blamed Russia in order to stop Donald Trump in the November election. They failed in that effort, but are still trying to bring down his presidency today.
A special prosecutor must be appointed to bring these criminals to justice, before the U.S. destroys itself and the world in a new war.
The Russians have been careful to distinguish between the illegal and dangerous sanctions voted up by the Congress, and President Trump’s own actions. But Trump has little time to take off the gloves, to expose the Russia-gate treason against the presidency.
As Helga Zepp-LaRouche has said, “Go like hell” to force a full investigation of the crimes exposed in the VIPS report, which is reprinted in the July 28 issue of EIR. See:
Tillerson On Path To Cooperation With Russia And China
Despite the Congressional sanctions and other stress points, U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson yesterday outlined the Trump Administration’s commitment to continuing cooperation where possible, and conflict avoidance where necessary, with Russia and China as we confront a new “pivot point” in world history.
Tillerson met with journalists at the State Department last night to update and clarify the nature of the Trump Administration’s foreign policy. He said that looking back 50 years, there was a major change at the time of the collapse of European communism, and that now we are confronting a “pivot point” due to the dramatic expansion of China’s role in the world. He reaffirmed the Administration’s commitment to “Make America Great Again,” but emphasized that when President Trump says “America first,” he does not mean “America alone.” Tillerson emphasized that, despite difficulties and disagreements, the administration was committed to mutually beneficial and peaceful resolutions of these difficulties.
Tillerson said the fight against terrorism was “one area of mutual interest,” and told reporters, “We are committed to the stability of Syria following the battle to defeat ISIS,” and stressing that the U.S. favoured “a unified Syria, not divided,” as well as the drafting of a new constitution, free and fair elections and a new political leadership.
He said that both the United States and Russia are committed to the defeat of ISIS and its allies, and to the future stability of Syria. He said that the administration finds Russia’s support for the indefinite continuation of the Syrian government of Bashar Assad “unacceptable” and that Iranian forces must leave the Syrian territory, “and it continues to be our view that the Assad regime has no role in the future governing of Syria.” He explained that, “The sequencing of all of that, we’re open to, as long as that is what is achieved at the end.” He said, “Again, we’re working closely with Russia and other parties to see if we can agree on a path forward on how to stabilize Syria, in the post-ISIS world, create zones of stabilization and lines of de-confliction that will hold, and then create conditions for the political process to play out in Geneva.” He said the creation of a de-escalation zone in the southwest part of Syria, created by Russia, the United States and Jordan, was “one small measure of success,” to be replicated throughout Syria.
Speaking on China, Tillerson said: “How should we define this relationship [with China] and how do we ensure that economic prosperity to the benefit of both countries and the world can continue, and that where we have differences—because we will have differences, we do have differences—that we will deal with those differences in a way that does not lead to open conflict?
“We test this relationship through things like the situation in North Korea,” he said. “Can we work together to address this global threat where we have a common objective? And where we have differences—in the South China Sea, and we have some trading differences that need to be addressed—can we work through those differences in a way without it leading to open conflict and find the solutions that are necessary to serve us both?”
Tillerson went on to discuss the stress in the relationship with Russia over Ukraine, commitments to NATO, the Mideast, cyber security, Iran, the dispute between the U.A.E. and Qatar, the drug cartels, the internal difficulties in the Trump Administration. In every instance, he stressed working toward cooperation on our common aims and avoiding conflict both with our “allies and partners” and “our adversaries.”
Trump Signs Sanctions Bill, But Warns Congress Of Unconstitutionality
President Donald Trump today signed H.R.3364, the “Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act,” into law. He issued a statement with the signing, denouncing it for “including a number of clearly unconstitutional provisions.” These include:
Violating “the President’s exclusive constitutional authority to recognize foreign governments, including their territorial bounds”;
Allowing Congress to change the law without going through the constitutionally prescribed procedures;
Directing Executive branch employees to “undertake certain diplomatic initiatives” without Presidential authorization; and
Preventing the President, in some cases, from receiving ambassadors as provided for in Article II, section 3 of the Constitution.
Trump pledged “My Administration will give careful and respectful consideration to the preferences expressed by the Congress … and will implement them in a manner consistent with the President’s constitutional authority to conduct foreign relations.” He then concluded with the admonition, “My Administration particularly expects the Congress to refrain from using this flawed bill to hinder our important work with European allies to resolve the conflict in Ukraine, and from using it to hinder our efforts to address any unintended consequences it may have for American businesses, our friends or our allies.”
In a separate, more personal statement, Trump said, “The Framers of our Constitution put foreign affairs in the hands of the President. This bill will prove the wisdom of that choice.”