
Martin Luther King, Jr.

“An individual who breaks a law that conscience tells him is unjust, and who willingly accepts the penalty of imprisonment in order to arouse the conscience of the community over its injustice, is in reality expressing the highest respect for law.”



Woodrow Wilson, The New Freedom (1913)

“Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”







The Origins of America’s Secret Police: Ancient Roots of Occult Societies & Intelligence Operations

| Current Affairs, Must Watch Videos, Propaganda/Intelligence | No Comments

The Origins of America’s Secret Police: Ancient Roots of Occult Societies & Intelligence Operations Produced by Canadian Patroit Press, narrated by Matt Ehret Do leading members of secret societies managing…

Americans Should Pray Gold Is Not Re-Valued

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Americans Should Pray Gold Is Not Re-Valued By Erik Wallbank Go ahead and pray—it’s not gonna matter. Gold will be re-valued, and instead of the US getting to use its…

Playing To Win

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Playing To Win By Erik Wallbank My last article: Erik’s Betting Line On Human Extinction drew feedback, with a few cancelled subscriptions and some new readers. At times, when I…

Get To Know An Impeccable Source – By Late Special Friend, Michael Collin Piper

| Current Affairs, Must Watch Videos, Propaganda/Intelligence | No Comments

Get To Know An Impeccable Source – My Late Special Friend, Michael Collin Piper. Uploaded by Matthias Chang This video interview of my late and very good friend / colleague…

Geopolitical Quandaries, Pyrrhic Victories and The End Of All Empires.

| Current Affairs, Malaysia News, Propaganda/Intelligence | No Comments

Geopolitical Quandaries, Pyrrhic Victories and The End Of All Empires. The Betrayals and hypocrisy of all the Big powers! By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward If and when you have…

Inside the State Department’s Weapons Pipeline to Israel

| Current Affairs, Propaganda/Intelligence | No Comments

Inside the State Department’s Weapons Pipeline to Israel By Brett Murphy In late January, as the death toll in Gaza climbed to 25,000 and droves of Palestinians fled their razed…

American Pravda: Michael Collins Piper Miles Mathis, And Proving Pi=4

| Current Affairs, Must Watch Videos, Propaganda/Intelligence | No Comments

American Pravda: Michael Collins Piper Miles Mathis, and Proving Pi=4 MUST READ, more so if you are in the Intelligence Apparatus (current or retired) and learn how Ron Unz overcame…

Project Controlled Weather – Operation Popeye

| Current Affairs, Must Watch Videos, Propaganda/Intelligence | No Comments

Project Controlled Weather – Operation Popeye Uploaded by Matthias Chang As the Vietnam War reached a crossroads, the U.S. army had important decisions to make if they wanted to tip…

Khairy & Health Minister – Shut Up! Rakyat Fed Up With Covid19 Fear Campaign/News

Covid19 Vaccination: Who Are Telling The Truth and Who Are Lying/Misrepresenting?

Exposé: Biden – “Communist” Catholic Power. Supported By US Government Corporation Ltd

Tun M, Anwar & Lim Guan Eng Challenged To Declare Agong Is Puppet/Fingerhead

Tun Mahathir & Lim Guan Eng Did Not Guarantee Safety of Covid19 Vaccine & Lied!!

AGONG/Rulers Checkmate Anwar/Tun M – Coup Failed. Tommy Thomas Exposed Totally

Anwar’s Sinister Conspiracy – Undermines And Attacks Agong By Lying

Nuclear Weapon – Destroys Trifecta – Anwar, Zahid, Najib & DAP. PN 2/3 Victory

Proton Wiped Out! Petronas Must Reinvent! Transformation Within 5 Years or Disaster

Guaranteed: PM Gets 2/3 Majority Next Election Whenever. Penang Reclaimed By PN

Anwar: We Cannot Trust Tun 100%. PH Total Collapse!

Anwar A Hypocrite/Political Chameleon – Repeating 2008 Coup To Topple PM

Scam Or Riza Aziz Declared All His Ill Gotten Assets For DNAA

Matthias RM10Million Challenge – LKS, Anwar, Tun For Attacking PM / Riza Case

PH Backdoor To Retain Power. Attacking Agong! Gutless To Dissolve Parliament!!

Find Out – The Most Dangerous Politician And Most Lethal Political Weapon

Coup d’état Failed. PH Promised the Impossible. Buku Harapan = Quran! Madness!!

PANAS! WWIII Started – Turkey Stop In Time. Slaughter of Muslims Prevented

Human Dignity In The Holy Quran versus Malay Dignity Congress

PANAS: SaudiArabia Collapsing Financially-Habis Cerita. Malaysia’s Wahhabism Will Follow Soon

ZakirNaik Says Pornography In Bible. Does Quran Supports This Filthy Assertion?

Challenge: Prove Matthias’ Blueprint To Transform Bumiputra Rural Economy Is Wrong

Anwar/PKR In Self-Destruction Mode. Tun Cannot Be Cornered & Ousted

More Deviants, Bigots Inciting Chaos, Another May 13 in 2019? Or PH …. ?

Anwar Not Entitle To Be PM – Nurul/Rafizi Useless Combination

TMJ Challenged! Can Sovereign Immunity Be Invoked Against Genocide, WarCrimes, Etc

Tun, Anwar Cannot Save Malaysia From Najib’s Kelptocracy! Can Tan Sri Rafidah Aziz?

Truths, Lies, Distortions Historical Citizenship Rights In Malaysia. Not Generosity By Anyone!

Matthias: All Muslim Political Leaders – Swear On Quran Not To Mislead Etc.

Former CJ, Hadi, Zahid – Should Be Charged For – Subversion & Incitement

Hadi/Zahid Caught Lying On ICERD. Tun/Anwar Irresponsible!

Shocking! Tim Leissner’s Guilty Plea Buried Najib/Jholow – Plundering 1MDB’s Money

Unprecedented and Shocking Demands To Tun M & Anwar Ibrahim By Matthias

2019 Budget: LGE’s Accounting Road Map Leads To Wrong Destination For Malaysia?

Incredible! Tun Denies 1MDB Monies Laundered In UK. Why?

Bumi Economy = UMNO Economy. Tun Should Retire Or Invite Rafidah Aziz

Tun Maybe In Contempt-Big Screw-Up In Arrest Of Equanimity. Non Disclosure

CIA Requested To Help Najib By Top Spy. Why PH Govt No Action?

Shocking: Never Before Revealed – How Corruption Emerges In All Governments

Explosive Details – Ouster of Tun as PM. No Arrest of JhoLow???

Hidden Agenda Behind AG’s Appointment Ghastly Details Revealed And Lots More!

SHOCKING EXPOSURE: Evil Plotters/Agents Failed Campaign To Prevent Opposition Taking Power

PH – 2/3 Majority. 2 Miracles Happened O’redi. WANITA UMNO To Abandon Husbands

1MDB’s USD1.265 Billion In JhoLow’s Bank Accounts – 3/5/18 Countdown For KuNan Defeat!

Najib/UMNO & LiowTiongLai/MCA Khianat, Jual Kepada Komunis China – Xi Jinping D’facto PM

Bombshell-Ironclad Evidence JhoLow Bought Jewelry For MO1’s Wife With 1MDB Monies

JhoLow Accuses Najib&UMNO As Moneylaunderers. Khairy/UMNO Youth Blames JhoLow Instead For PM’s Crime

Jho Low Arrest Soon! Ironclad Evidence From Singapore Bury Him!

Shocking-Did Stepson Riza-Aziz Betrayed 1MDB? More Documentary Evidence Revealed. More Coming!

JhoLow Whacked Mercilessly – California Judge Ordered Equanimity To Sail To USA

Shocking Evidence! JhoLow “WeChats” To Captain To Hide Yacht From DOJ

Hadi/Najib/ArulKanda Lie & Distort Islam – Matthias Challenge Trio For Public Debate

Bombshell: RizaAziz Pledged Personal Assets/Guarantees Payment of Forfeiture $60Million; Next Najib?

PMNajib Disqualified By Court of Appeal? Therefore, Why PakatanHarapan Not Disqualify PM?

Najib Regime Setting Malaysians To Be Raped Financially. Don’t Be Suckers Again

Najib & Malay Elites Betrayed The Bumiputeras-Economic Calamity Implode Within 5 Years

Shocking!!! Margaret Thatcher On Mahathir. But Najib Is Worst, Beyond Redemption!

(1) Najib/Hishamuddin Personally Declared War Against Israel? (2) Trump Will Soon Whack 1MDB/Najib

2018 Countdown To 2nd Global Financial Tsunami-Malaysia Will Be Devastated. UMNO/Najib Sleeping

Nothing Is Sacred Najib-Psychotic-Frenzy-UMNO Pledge To Shed Blood “To Defend This Government”

Najib/UMNO AGM Total Collapse. Matthias Follows Muslim Jesus. Wow!

Who In UMNO Will Do A Mugabe On Najib? Malaysia No More!!

“Nothing Sacred” Stupid Imbecile Najib Whacked! A False Moderate Muslim Inciting Violence. Unfit PM

Najib’s 2018 Budget Whacked/Torn To Pieces: Lies, Propaganda & Plagiarism

Najib’s Ignorance & Stupidity On 1998 Asian Crisis and Economy Exposed and Whacked!!!

2 Top Secrets Intelligence Report – Declassified/Exposed – To Destroy Countries With Local Traitors

Disaster – Alleged Efforts To Trump To Withdraw DOJ Proceedings Failed!

Najib Akan Jatuh Selepas Lawatan Ke USA. Najib Caught Between China Ah Loong vs. Goldman Sachs Jew

Section 124k Sabotage Charge Against Najib – Zahid/Najib To Reveal Instructions For Tun M’s Meeting

Malaysia-Sovereign Default/Bankrupt/Junk Status-Why Zahid Hamidi/Rahman Dahlan Not Sacked Yet?

Zakir Naik/Mufti Menk Invited For Debate – Did Najib/Hadi distort Quran/Allah?

RM1Million Reward – Open Challenge To NasrudinHassan, AthiShankar & RaggieJessy To Produce Evidence

Minister Destroyed Rosmah: Like D’Caprio Must Surrender Jewelry To DOJ Or Face Consequences!

AG Apandi Found 1MDB Committed Criminal Offence. RM100,000 To Anyone Proving Otherwise

New DOJ Claim 7.6.2017: JhoLow Will Dangle From Hangman’s Noose – Najib Sure To Follow

God Forbids: No Matthias’ Pound Of Flesh To Najib. What is Matthias’ GPS/Waze To Defeat Najib?

Najib Humiliated By Trump In Riyadh-Pakatan/Barisan Nasional Will Soon Bow To Tun M With Humility

Matthias’s Official Statement On Acquittal. His Call To Najib: Turn Your Back On Evil

Matthias Whacks Religious Leaders – Spreading Falsities Of The Bible And The Quran

Matthias:Genuine Change Or Cock & Bull After Najib.Did BN Spin Doctors Accuses Past PMs “Curi Duit”?

Explosive/Shocking Cover Ups! Shows How Assets/Monies Can Be Recovered By MPs

Explosive & Devastating: Najib Disqualified As PM & Candidate For Next Election. Habis Cerita!!!

Explosive – Najib Committed Offence (FSA 2013) – Bullshit/Cover Up In Parliament By All

Najib Caught Naked Covering Up 1MDB Crimes Explosive Evidence/Law Revealed

Explosive Evidence Against JhoLow Exposed/SaudiKing/Najib Fake News/Smokescreen

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