American Pravda: Michael Collins Piper Miles Mathis, And Proving Pi=4

American Pravda: Michael Collins Piper Miles Mathis, and Proving Pi=4

MUST READ, more so if you are in the Intelligence Apparatus (current or retired) and learn how Ron Unz overcame brainwashing amd arrived at the Truth!

By Ron Unz • October 14, 2024

I have  always enjoyed solving historical puzzles and figuring out what really happened, but I’d never had the slightest interest in conspiracy theories, which I’d always dismissed as nonsense. As a consequence, I’d spent nearly my entire life never doubting nor questioning the broad sweep of our last century of world history, as had been so conveniently presented to me in all my academic courses, books, magazines, and newspapers.

But in the aftermath of the 9/11 Attacks, I gradually became increasingly suspicious of the credibility of the mainstream media sources that I had always relied upon for my knowledge of the world.

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