The Bizarre World Of Christian Zionism

The Bizarre World Of Christian Zionism

By F. William Engdahl – Extract from ‘Full Spectrum Dominance’

Praying for Armageddon

It was impossible to grasp how such a drastic foreign policy shift could occur between the time of Eisenhower in the 1950’s and George W. Bush after 2001, without one little-known element: understanding the political power base that a faction of the US establishment created together with the Israeli right-wing Likud Zionist lobby that had built up around the American Christian Born-Again right-wing.

The most striking and paradoxical feature of the Likud-USA strategic alliance was the fanatical backing for the militant expansion of the State of Israel from the side of various nominally Christian denominations and organizations in the United States. Behind the religious façade, was a well-organized political machine directly tied to Tel Aviv and Washington power centres. 

In 1977, the Israeli intelligence services, under the direction of Dr. Jonah Malachy, quietly began to conduct a detailed profile of all the many different Christian organizations in the United States, and profiled them according to how they regarded the existence of Israel, in terms of their Christian belief. 

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