Poland Is Poised To Play An Indispensable Role In Germany’s “Fortress Europe”

Poland Is Poised To Play An Indispensable Role In Germany’s “Fortress Europe”

By Andrew Korybko

Poland is now working hand-in-glove with Germany to turbocharge the latter’s superpower trajectory and especially its military component, which is reshaping European geopolitics and is therefore a development of global importance.

Polish Defense Minister Wladyslaw Kosiniak-Kamysz announced on Monday after talks with his German counterpart Boris Pistorius that they’re “activating as co-leaders…the armor capability coalition for support of Ukraine” alongside assembling a joint rapid reaction battle group of 5,000 total troops. This coincided with Polish Foreign Minister Radek Sikorski proposing on the same day after a meeting with his EU counterparts in Brussels to allocate the interest from seized Russian assets to arming Ukraine.

It was observed by mid-February that “Poland’s Economic Subordination To Germany Follows Its Political & Military Subordination”, and then a month afterwards, “Poland’s Subordination To Germany Now Includes Educational, Judicial, & Diplomatic Dimensions”. The preceding hyperlinked analyses detail the ways in which Poland has comprehensively subordinated itself to Germany after the return to power of Berlin-backed Donald Tusk as Prime Minister, which interested readers should review to learn more.

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