Tun Razak’s Malay Political Legacy and The “Last Political Mohican” – An Unprecedented Short Historical Analysis

Tun Razak’s Malay Political Legacy and The “Last Political Mohican” – An Unprecedented Short Historical Analysis

By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward


I am seventy-three years “old” getting on to seventy-four and was fortunate to have a ringside seat to many political developments that have evolved over the decades since Malaysia’s Independence in 1957. But nothing can be compared to and or replaced the experience that I has accumulated and more importantly learned as the Political Secretary to the Fourth Prime Minister of Malaysia, YABhg. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad and from other political actors across the political divide.

No one and no one should compete and or replace the legacies of YABhg.  Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. It is a folly and an exercise in futility to even contemplate such an endeavour. The issue is not that I am a fan or a crony of our fourth Prime Minister.

No one is perfect, but in politics, the tendency is to hurl stones at your enemies (often missing) and disregard with contempt the successes and accomplishments of the “enemy”, a trait that ensures the downfall of any aspiring politician to be a leader.

By all means be angry with the “defeats” suffered, the mistakes made, but never be jealous of the successes of the “enemy”, for the such lessons learned are invaluable for survival.

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