Uploaded by Matthias Chang
“A powerful, well-documented exposé of those criminally responsible for the bioweapon known as SARS-CoV-2. Dr. Fleming reveals the published studies detailing how the engineering of this virus has unfolded over the past twenty years. He also documents the money trails of those involved. A short and exciting read.”
—DR. MERCOLA, founder of Mercola.com, the most-visited natural health site on the internet for the past twenty years
“What is as remarkable as it is rare in science in Dr. Richard Fleming’s book is this systematic, exhaustive, ‘bulldozer’ approach. Like these immense GMO agricultural robot-machines guided by GPS, capable of stopping on the slightest mound or suspicious anomaly, he leaves nothing in the shade; he ‘plows’ this enigma of the birth of SARS-CoV-2, going back to its distant genealogical ancestors, also already manipulated in the laboratory. Like a criminal investigation, it tracks down the slightest patent or conflict of interest among these illustrious scientists with an unassailable aura, or among these respected foundations that were believed to sow good for humanity.”
“This richly informed book takes you through the nefarious intersection of politics and the weaponization of science that is deeply dispiriting. It exposes the corruption and collusion of governments that threaten our very existence. This is an important book as it takes us towards the truth and gives us hope that many scientists, such as Dr. Fleming, are risking everything in order to bring the guilty to justice and find solutions for mankind.”
—MELINDA MAYNE, attorney and barrister
Unlike the abovenamed Barrister, our lawyers – the Malaysian Bar have betrayed the entire nation, They have sold the rakyat out. Sold out! And now you know and understand why I have repeatedly said and called out Khairy Jamalludin and the Director-General and his Medical mafia in our Ministry of Health as outright criminals under International Law and the Nuremberg Code! We cannot allow this crime to go unpunished!
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