Do You Know What mRNA Vaccine You Were Jabbed With – PfizerBioNTech Or Comirnatry? There is no such vaccine as “the Pfizer vaccine” as touted by Khairy and or the DG of MOH!
Uploaded by Matthias Chang
Yesterday, I sent out a whatsapp message with four photographic evidence of the misinformation, confusion, distortion etc about what vaccines have been given or could have been given BEFORE our schools commenced in October, 2021 and how your children were threatened / told that unless they are vaccinated they cannot go to school, sit for exams and or enter even private colleges, but for certain they could not be the (i) PURPLE COLOURED VIAL (which must be diluted) or (ii) the GREY COLOURED VIAL (which must not be diluted).
Since this was a document issued officially by Pfizer only on 29th October, 2021, it is inconceivable that your helpless children were jabbed with these two different vaccines which had different formulations and additional ingredients. Or were they?
Now it is revealed in this video by Stew Peters, that adults were lied AS TO WHAT mRNA vaccines they were given since the roll-out in early part of 2021.
Watch this video in its entirety and be very troubled and shocked. This video has corroborated what I had been warning, and the only person in Malaysia to have done so in spite of threats and bully tactics to silent me and other truth-tellers.
Please click on the link below and watch the video and then share widely: