Why Is There Almost Total Silence From The Medical Profession In Malaysia On Safety Issues Regarding Covid19 Vaccines When Global Medical Specialists Are Sounding Alarm Bells?

Why Is There Almost Total Silence From The Medical Profession In Malaysia On Safety Issues Regarding Covid19 Vaccines When Global Medical Specialists Are Sounding Alarm Bells?

By Matthias Chang – Future Fast-Forward

In today’s posting we are greatly indebted to a very courageous and honest medical specialist of Thai descent, Professor Sucharit Bhakdi, who together with his colleagues at the “Doctors For Covid Ethics” were compelled to issue an Open Letter to the world, when the European Medicines Agency refused to reply to their letter expressing their concerns on the safety of the various vaccines rolled out for mass vaccination.

Just a few days ago, it was widely reported and a video was posted in the global social media, showing medical experts of Thailand withdrawing / suspending the inoculation of Thailand’s Prime Minister as a result of safety concerns relating to the AstraZeneca vaccine pending a fuller investigation into deaths and serious side effects ( e.g. blood clotting) following vaccination of certain patients in Europe. It is admirable that Thailand has put safety and interest of the entire nation first and not rush to mass vaccinate her people.

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On the Open Letter by Doctor For Covid Ethics, please click on the PDF lbelow:  MUST READ AND PRINT OUT

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