Intel Expert: “Evidence That Comes Forward In Next Few Days Will Drastically Change Playing Field”

Intel Expert: “Evidence That Comes Forward In Next Few Days Will Drastically Change Playing Field”

Uploaded by Matthias from NEWSMAX

The Deep State’s coup in USA as, I have stated repeatedly is funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and operationally and behind the scenes masterminded by Lord Malloch-Brown, now working as the Chairman of Soros entities.

I have stressed that Malaysians must learn from the experience unfolding in USA and apply it to Malaysia.

It is absolutely clear that that some lawyers associated with the coup plotters are conspiring to destroy the Constitution, Agong (King) and Country. They are a key element in going coup to undermine the Agong. They have come out openly in support of the coup and is going all out to undermine the Constitution as well. Lets see what the patriots will do to defend the Constitution, Agong and country.

Let me just say this. No matter what is the outcome of the coup attempts at whatever levels and forums, the rage of the people will be unleashed and these traitors will pay a heavy price for their treason. Guaranteed!  I hope that the Prime Minister and the Agong will take action, be firm and resolute and put the coup down with with all their might as the law is on their side. They have nothing to fear. The peope are with them

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