Killary Clinton Defended The Man Who Raped An Innocent Young Girl and Subsequently Laughed About It!
By Matthias Chang
In 1975, a girl who was only 12 years old was raped by a 42 year old man. Hillary Clinton volunteered to defend the rapist. In court, Hillary told the court that the girl made up the story because the girl enjoyed fantasizing about older man.
Hillary succeeded in getting the man freed. In 1980, Hillary gave an interview and admitted she knew that the man was guilty. AND SHE LAUGHED about it.
The recent emails show all too clearly she is a child abuser as well, and was on the “Lolita Express”, the private jet of billionaire, Jeffrey Epstein, who transported amongst others, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew AND ALSO KILLARY AND HUMA ABEDIN AND WERE INDUKLGING IN PEDOPHILIA!
It makes me want to throw up a vomit!
Now read the article below on the heinous crimes of Bill and Hillary Clinton:
Killary Paid Raped Victim (A Child) Who Was Raped By Bill Clinton Years Ago, To Accuse Donald Trump
An extraordinary Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) report circulating in the Kremlin today says that the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) allowed Director Sergey Naryshkin to have complete “unrestricted/unfettered” access to their top-secret evidence proving that former President Bill Clinton raped a 13-year-old girl child, and that Hillary Clinton, in turn, paid this young girl child $200,000 to accuse Donald Trump instead—but who when confronted by the FBI this past week, dropped her lawsuit against Trump and was put under their protection.
Raped victim who was a young girl when raped by this Sex Predator
According to this report, Director Naryshkin, who took control of the SVR on 5 October, was “requested for presence” at the FBI’s Moscow Embassy offices yesterday to review ongoing terror related investigations being jointly conducted by the Federation and United States—but upon his arrival was “seated/placed” in a conference room by himself where top-secret files related to Bill Clinton’s raping of this girl child were “everywhere/everyplace”.
Being left alone for 45 minutes in this FBI conference room, this report continues, Director Naryshkin was able to examine the files, videos and documents relating to Bill Clinton’s raping of this young girl child—after which the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Station Chief (name redacted) presented himself for formal introductions.
As to why this highly “bizarre/unusual” meeting took place, this report notes, is due to the publicly announced counter-coup launched this week by the US intelligence community against the Obama regime and Hillary Clinton—and that President Putin confirmed as being true after he was notified of this action by former CIA agent and US diplomat Dr. Steve Pieczenik.
Striking back against this counter-coup, this report continues, is Hillary Clinton’s mainstream media propaganda arm whose assault against FBI Director James Comey has been unrelenting—and includes the Washington Post questioning if anyone is able to control the FBI; Politico calling the FBI racist because it resembles “Trump’s America”, and London’s Guardian newspaper stunningly calling all of the FBI “Trumpland”.
Far from being the “Trumpland” Hillary Clinton’s mainstream media propagandists are attempting to make it out to be, this report says, the FBI has, instead, found itself embroiled in an actual war against what they call the Clinton Crime Family and the powerful international money laundering organization known as the Clinton Foundation—both of which have so completely corrupted the American government that nation now is in danger of collapsing.
To some of the actual rape evidence held by the FBI against Bill Clinton they allowed to be viewed by Director Naryshkin, this report continues, were what are called interview notes relating to underage female girls living in the Atlanta region put into prostitution by New York-British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell, Sarah Kellen and Nada Marcinkova—all three of whom were tasked by convicted pedophile, and billionaire, Jeffery Epstein to procure underage sex slaves for his private Caribbean island compound known as “Pedophile Island” that catered to the world’s rich and famous, including former President Clinton and Prince Andrew.
Important to note, and as we had previously reported on, Israel’s Institute for Intelligence and Special Operations (MOSSAD) “Clothing Shop Network” (Магазин/одежды/חנות בגדים) has been indentified by the SVR as the main “organizer/facilitator” behind the “international money man of mystery” Jeffery Epstein—who has, also, been labeled as “The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton”.
As to how the billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstein could bring down both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, this report explains, involves the testimony of a young women, only identified as “Jane Doe”, who was the main witness for the State of Georgia prosecutor for human trafficking Camila Wright, and who this past year was prepared to indict Bill Clinton—until her husband, Shahriar Zolfaghari, was gunned down on 31 May.
Following the brutal slaying of prosecutor Wright’s husband, this report continues, FBI “files/documents” “seen/observed” by Director Naryshkin show that operatives for Hillary Clinton met with “Jane Doe” and paid to her $200,000 to change her testimony and accuse Donald Trump of raping her by filing a US federal lawsuit against him.
Hillary Clinton’s main “strategy/goal” of using “Jane Doe” against Donald Trump, SVR intelligence analysts in this report detail, was to have her give a nationwide press conference on 2 November (6 days before the US presidential election) accusing him of raping her when she was 13-years-old.
[FF Editorial Comments: From the above three paragraphs (especially the underlined words), it is clear that the Mossad wanted to use Jeffrey Epstein to set up Trump and then get witnesses to incriminate Trump. Hence, the payment to “Jane Doe” to accuse trump by Killary Clinton. Killary was in cahoots with Mossad. But, for the protection of the FBI of “Jane Doe” (see picture above) this false accusation would have certainly derailed Trump’s campaign. This shows how dirty and vile the Killary campaign has become, just so that they can have their coup and assume supreme power in the USA!]
However, this report continues, in early October, FBI agents discovered all of the emails detailing Hillary Clinton’s sordid plot against Donald Trump in a “treasure trove” of 650,000 secret Clinton emails that had failed to be deleted from the laptop computer of her vice campaign chairman Huma Abedin (that was shared by Abedin’s sexual deviant husband Anthony Weiner)—and that so disgusted and shocked the FBI agents reading them, they labeled Hillary Clinton as the “antichrist personified”.
Armed with these Hillary Clinton emails proving the plot against Donald Trump, this report continues, FBI agents confronted “Jane Doe” on Monday (31 October) where she promptly admitted her crimes—and then abruptly cancelled her planned 2 November news conference, and completely dropped her US federal lawsuit against Donald Trump.
Important to note, SVR intelligence analysts in this report say, is that even though Donald Trump did, in fact, know the billionaire pedophile Jeffery Epstein, he was completely exonerated of any crimes by Miami Police Detective Mike Fisten, who while investigating Epstein’s many crimes stated under oath that “in hundreds of interviews with hundreds of witnesses, no one has ever identified Trump as being involved in any kind of sexual activity with underage girls”—unlike Bill Clinton, who “Jane Doe” originally identified as being her real rapist, and who visited Epstein’s “Pedophile Island” numerous times even ditching his Secret Service protection detail to do so.
Immediately following the FBI allowing SVR Director Naryshkin to “view/examine” their files proving Hillary Clinton’s crimes involving this girl child Bill Clinton had raped, this report grimly concludes, US forces loyal to both the Obama regime and Hillary Clinton launched an unprovoked and unprecedented cyber attack against the entire Federation for the purpose of sabotage—and to which the Kremlin gravely responded to by stating: “If no official reaction from the American administration follows, it would mean state cyberterrorism exists in the US”.